The Club by Dynamic Soccer

What is The Club?

The Club by Dynamic Soccer is a membership program designed to provide players with an optimal learning experience: elevated technical trainings on a consistent yet flexible schedule, bonus sessions, progress reports, advice and guidance, supplementary educational material, and more.

Benefits of Membership

Consistent Training

One of the key components of development is immersive learning through consistent and intentional instruction and practice. Members can expect regular access to our specialized training sessions in a variety of formats: groups, semi-privates, individuals, mini-sessions.

Flexible & Targeted Program

We determine the format, content, frequency and duration of sessions based on what’s most suitable for each player so there is no pre-set configuration of trainings or fixed training schedules.

Comprehensive Education

Our program provides players with an important component of their development: articles, video clips, and relevant training advice & insights that give context to and support the training and players’ overall education in the game.

Value & Convenience

Membership always provides significant added value, as it includes bonus sessions and extra training time, and incorporates semi-private and individual sessions to offer more targeted training.

Our subscription service consists of a recurring monthly fee, eliminating multiple payments and bookings.

Membership Tiers

  • Basic

    A lighter program consisting of 1 (sometimes 2) weekly sessions and general training information & advice.

  • Plus

    A more regular program providing 2 (sometimes 3) sessions per week, and specific training tips and progress updates.

  • Premium

    A more immersive schedule with 3 (sometimes 4) sessions per week, personalized guidance, feedback and evaluations.

  • Custom

    Intensive, fully customized program with no pre-determined quantity of sessions, in-person consulting, individualized development plan, targeted feedback, guidance and analysis.

To join The Club, please complete an inquiry form.